I’ve been asked for so many years for autographs, however I have had so many request it would take a full staff and cost quite a bit to send Autographs by mail to my fans all over the world. I finally found the solution to make autographs available to you in digital format. Simply click on the “Autographs” link on the web site menu on www.lorenavedon.com and select as many autographs as you want! Please be sure to include the text you want me to write on the picture(s).
In order to help offset the cost of this web site hosting and design, I am asking for a small donation for an Autograph. However if you are unable financially to make a donation that’s no problem. Just contact me via social media page (FB) *See the link at the bottom of my web site pages, and let me know where I can email you an autographed digital photo. I will check your FB page to see where you live and your situation and I believe that all of my fans are honorable people and will not misrepresent themselves to get a digital Autograph from me. Please remember that all donations will go to pay the costs of the web site and its development.
NOTE: I AM NOT KEEPING ANY OF THE DONATIONS FOR MYSELF. They are all going towards fees that are associated with the www.lorenavedon.com web site.
Most of you know I do not ever charge for Autographs unless I appear at an event and the promoter requests payment for admission or photographs. I feel uncomfortable asking any fan for money. It is an honor for me to Autograph a picture for you. (On my web site you can pick as many pictures as you like…) I understand that some actors do charge for their autograph picture as there are costs and time involved with honoring requests. I have not given out many autographs over the years because I haven’t wanted to ask for any fee for my picture(s) and a signature. Your appreciation of my work is very valuable to me, and now I have a way to fulfill your requests that I feel comfortable with. As I mentioned above the money you donate will go towards the fees required to maintain this web site.
**Please check back weekly and look for more pictures to come on the “Autographs” page.
Also on that page you will find how to send me things that you want me to autograph like VHS covers, DVD covers, posters, magazine articles, and anything you want me to sign. Just follow the instructions and send me a note and provide a pre-addressed postage paid envelope or package for me to return them to you, I am happy to Autograph them for FREE!
Just one thing, please do not send me any scripts, or solicitations, or offers to work via my postal address or email. I will not accept them. You may contact me through social media for such requests. Just go to my facebook page and send me a message. 🙂
I look forward to fulfilling your Autograph requests and thank you so much for your appreciation of my work through the years! Wishing you all the best always!