Had a wonderful experience sharing philosophy and life experiences with Dan McPherson. He’s up to some great stuff with his leadersmustlead.com website and the idea that helping others with breakthroughs and manifesting things in life when people get stuck is a great thing.
We all have times in our lives where we feel we are not going in the right direction, that things are beyond our control and our dreams seem unreachable. I’m all for self help and understand a process that works for me and realizing that same process might not work for you. I grew up in a time where you pretty much had to figure it out for yourself. I mean everybody has advice on what you should do, but you have to do what you feel works. When that doesn’t work try something else. Trial and error, and not being afraid to fail. Its not any easy thing to do. So I hope some wisdom I share on this podcast may strike a cord in you or just affirm your course of action.
That is the key. Be in Action. Sometimes you need to stop and evaluate but we don’t get anywhere unless we take action.
Life is about sharing and I have a lot of life lessons to share and pray that you will always be moving forward and setting the bar high, but not so high that you can’t reach. Step by step we move in the right direction. Martial Arts has helped me a lot with challenges, and also the instincts and intuition that I credit go to the positive energy of integrity, prayer and doing unto others.
That little voice inside your head and in your heart is usually right. But not to be confused with overcoming fears and things that are “Obstacles” that seem to stop us from doing things. Listen to your instincts but also be aware that if someone else is doing it, you can too. You can also be the first to do it, but weigh the pros and cons, consider the risk versus reward and then make a decision. In my life I’ve found that the “I have nothing to lose” mentality works quite well, as long as you are realistic. There is always risk, but weigh that with reward and the thoughts that you may carry with you in the future when you look back and wonder. The “I shoulda, woulda, coulda” thoughts. I’d rather lose a little face or some blood sweat and maybe tears than wonder “what if” forever, but that is me.
No risk, no reward, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to jump out of a perfectly good airplane! Somethings are ok not to experience. Don’t let the crowd decide. You decide.
As always I wish you love happiness, friends, family and good challenges. Be safe but be bold and great forces will come to your aid. Or as can happen you get knocked down. Once down there is no where to go but up, so get up and keep learning. You can make your dreams real, just put in the work and find what works for you. Guidelines are obvious, but if you don’t try you’ll never know, right?
Please have a listen to my Podcast on these links below. I look forward to hearing what you think on my FB page or IG @lorenavedonofficial
Libsyn: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/12083714/tdest_id/1562912?fbclid=IwAR1plh0sFZj9PapRJmftcEO5NI2GvIi8XqCjj8METxuMFafJRdgHA5vADrM
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/64jjlc9d5hgv81E1YIWaGb
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-21-movie-star-martial-arts-grand-master-loren-avedon/id1480067188?i=1000457223960
Player FM: https://player.fm/series/dreams-are-real/ep-21-movie-star-and-martial-arts-grand-master-loren-avedon-leads-with-humility-and-hope
Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/dir-67taq-734d4d5?utm_campaign=w_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=w_share
Podbay: https://podbay.fm/podcast/1480067188/e/1574161200
Listennotes: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/dreams-are-real/ep-21-movie-star-and-martial-ZBPiDkFSjW4/
Tunein: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Podcasts/Dreams-ARE-Real-p1252155/?topicId=135122559
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/show/525982