Its been 5 years since you passed, and today is Mother’s Day. You used to tell me that “every day is Mother’s Day” and you are right. Every day I think of you, I miss you and I feel you around me, not only inside my heart but in everything I do.
Today I flew the Flags as it is customary to do so. It is Sunday and people no doubt are getting ready to take their Mom’s to brunch or to give them a call, or if they are far away have sent flowers or a card that their Mom would receive the day before. I remember that one day I will see you again as I once did in 2017 when you appeared in my bedroom in Hawaii, you lit up the room and appeared to be about 30 years old. At first I thought I was dreaming but I was awake and it was about 3AM. You smiled at me, and left me as quickly as you came. I cried and at the same time was filled with joy.
Left in the pitch black of my room I swung my legs over the edge of my bed and fumbled for my house slippers in the darkness. I got up and just walked around the house, but you weren’t there. I stayed up most of the rest of the night and at dawn I finally fell asleep. At last I felt at peace, it was ok to touch your things, to go into your room.
I hadn’t seen your face or been able to picture you for almost 3 years. I presume it was my minds defense mechanisms protecting me from the sorrow of your passing. You know I cried, and you knew everything and came to let me know it was all ok. I shared my experience with my daughter and a few loved ones who I knew wouldn’t think I was hallucinating or having a dream. For I was fully awake, fully aware, and finally at peace.
Your ashes rest in the living room of my home as they did when I was in Hawaii. But that is not where you are. You are everywhere, you are perfect, and you are home.
I love you so much Mom. There are no words to describe how much I miss you. You came to let me know, you are watching me, you love me and that you are ok. Every day is Mother’s Day… every day…,
My Mother and me at Thanksgiving